"Szelíd szerda" rovat

A történetet majd elmesélem, ha érdekel valakit, a lényeg, hogy kitöltöttem egy angol nyelvű személyiségtesztet. Awakener vagyok. Az eredmény szerint az én híres emberem William Wordsworth, olyan életet fogok élni, mint ő. A szóbeli értékelést az alábbiakban adták meg:

An Awakner is someone who is not afraid to be guided by strong feelings – and who tends to reflect these outwards on the world. Acting as much from instinct and emotion as from reason, these people can transform the world around them: through words, through actions, or simply through example.

An Awakener attaches deep importance to other people. This can mean an interest in the inner natures of others, or a deeply-held desire to act on their behalf. Like the Mystic type of personality, these are traits that can produce incredible acts of heroism, or errors of judgement and obstinacy, depending on the individual.

Key attributes

  • Guided by strong feelings
  • Interested in other people
  • Aims to open others’ minds
  • Prepared to defy authority
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